Adobe has fixed a problem with Premiere Pro CC that has damaged some MacBook Pro speakers


Earlier this month, CNet and 9to5Mac reported that a number of Adobe Premiere CC users had a problem with this program: a bug seemed to explode the speakers of their latest model, MacBook Pros, in some cases. This week, Adobe released a patch for the program that corrected the problem.

In a forum message, a user reported a "very loud noise [sic] sound, "that would not let them turn off." After shutting down, the speakers were very quiet and after the next reboot, they clearly exploded. "Others responded with the same complaints and published examples on Youtube.

On Friday, an Adobe representative confirmed in an answer on the forum that a "small number of users reported a problem in Premiere Pro that could affect the speakers of the latest MacBook Pro ", and indicated a hotfix.

The version of the patch notes that it solved four problems: loud noise "when playing a project and adding an effect", the shout that occurred when a user switched between Equalization presets, the "buzzing audio" when routing audio to multiple outputs with effects, and droning while "playing the silence with an effect on a downmix track".


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