The Bethesda mystery game suddenly goes pre-order, the Placeholder trailer looks like Fallout


Mystery Bethesda Fallout Games

There is currently a mysterious title Bethesda pre-order on Amazon US, as noticed by the eagle-eyed ladle. Wario64. This is a pre-order price priced at $ 59. It is indicated for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Its reservation date is December 31, 2019.

It's already a little suspicious, but things get even tougher when you watch the booked trailer related to the product. Again, with the permission of Wario64:

If you are unable to watch it or you remove it, the countdown of the cards counted goes from 10 to 1. wormthere Fallout, and the slight green hue makes us think of Fallout 3. Of course, we are not alone in coming to this conclusion. So we're wondering a lot about whether there's a filtered list for Fallout 3 remaster … or even remake. Knowing our luck, it will eventually be related to Fallout 76. Sigh.

It's probably best not to hope, but it's certainly an intriguing discovery. If there is indeed something to this and that it is not just a kind of scam, we must imagine that an official announcement can not not be far away.

We will keep our eyes open.


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