Intel 5G chips will not appear in mobile phones until 2020


Reuters reports that Intel has confirmed that it does not expect its 5G chips to be consumer products before 2020.

Intel Corp. executives announced Friday that its 5G modem chips will not appear in mobile phones until 2020, pointing out the possibility that its main customer, Apple Inc., is more than a year behind the competition for the future. provision of a device using faster networks.

The timeline of Intel is closely related to Apple's product plans, because Apple depends on Intel chips for its iPhone modems. Previously a Qualcomm customer, Apple was in conflict with Qualcomm due to an ongoing legal battle between the two companies. In fact, Qualcomm reportedly refused to sell its chips to Apple because of the conflict.

Intel 5G modem

This left Apple dependent on Intel for its modem chips from the latest lineup of iPhones, though Apple has been exploring other vendors and even working on developing its own chips. This plan, however, should not produce results before 2021, at least.

Waiting until 2020 for the delivery of iPhones 5G is not a surprise for Apple, because previous rumors said it the same way. Intel's statement, however, seems to confirm some of these earlier rumors.


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