The creators of the upcoming Apple TV series inspired by Hilde Lysiak, the intrepid 12-year-old investigative journalist who revealed a murder committed in her hometown of Pennsylvania while she was 9 years old in his own newspaper, follow his work. Recently, she has faced a marshal from the city of Arizona.
Lysiak posted a video in his Orange Street News showing his jail threat by Marshal Joseph Patterson earlier this week in Patagonia, AZ. This happened after he stopped her on her bike and she told him that she was a member of the media. One of Patterson's answers was, "I do not want to hear about this sort of thing about press freedom." He also said that she could not publish her video online without permission (the law varies however). Here is the meeting:
The video has been viewed 200,000 times since she posted it on Monday, and the local Nogales International The newspaper reported Wednesday that city officials had "taken action" against Marshall following the incident. All of this caught the attention of Dana Fox and Dara Resnik, who created the Apple series of Anonymous Content and Paramount Television which features The Florida projectBrooklynn Prince and Jim Sturgess.
Fox, meanwhile, retweeted Lysiak.
The Apple series, described as a family drama, follows a young girl who moves from Brooklyn to the small lakeside town her father left behind. There, his relentless pursuit of the truth leads him to discover a cold affair that everyone in town, including his own father, has tried to bury. The untitled project was created by Ben and Kate Fox creator and Daredevil alum Resnik, executive producer with Joy Gorman Wettels and Sharlene Martin. Jon M. Chu will lead and executive product.
Lysiak was the first to reveal the murder in her home town of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. Orange Street News. The scoop elicited negative comments from online commentators who said 9-year-olds should not cover the killings. She fought back with a video that caught the attention of national and international media and awarded her a contract with Scholastic to co-write six books with her father, author and journalist, Matthew Lysiak. Hilde crackles the case.
All this caught the attention of Paramount TV and its partner Anonymous Content, who opted for his right to life and that of his books.
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