Victim Jan Broberg Fielding "kidnapped in sight" offers movies


Victim "taken away from view"

Rolling In movies …

& # 39; This is Us & # 39; responds to "Breaking Bad & # 39; meeting at Pedophilia

24/02/2019 00:55 PDT


Millie Bobby Brown is on the spot for the main role in a film adaptation of the documentary "Removed from sight" …, says the woman who was abducted and assaulted several times.

Jan Broberg Felt, the victim who is expressed in the incredibly popular doc Netflix, tells TMZ that she is responding to many calls from Hollywood producers wishing to make her story a feature film … and it would seem that almost all Hollywood producers launch a movie.

You've heard the story … a bit of this movie meets a bit of this movie. In her case, she sees her family in "This Is Us", and sees the top of her family as "Breaking Bad".

If you have not seen the doc … Jan tells her heartbreaking story about the fact that she was abducted twice and repeatedly raped by her neighbor, Robert "B" Berchtold a scandal that shook his community of Idaho.

As for his movie offerings … Jan wants his story to be told in its entirety … something that, in his opinion, was not accomplished in the 90-minute doc.

Look … Jan tells us why Millie is her first choice for the group lead and her name drops off some stars who could play the role of the villain.


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