Howard Stern on Vaccine: “You had the cure and you wouldn’t take it”


Speaking on his SiriusXM satellite radio show about the recent deaths of several anti-vaxxer radio hosts, Stern said people who will not get vaccinated are “idiots” and called for vaccinations to be mandatory .

“When are we going to stop supporting the idiots in this country and just say that it is mandatory to get vaccinated? F — ’em. F — their freedom. I want my freedom to live,” a- he declared. “I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take pictures. It’s bull —-.”

Stern, who is vaccinated, is also frustrated with Covid patients who have chosen not to be vaccinated, which has overwhelmed hospitals.

“If you have a heart attack or any other problem, you can’t even go to the emergency room. don’t go into a hospital. ‘”

To emphasize, he added: “You had the remedy and you would not take it.”

On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced new vaccine mandates in some areas, saying: “We have been patient, but our patience is running out.”


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