Kate Quigley speaks out after fentanyl overdose that killed Fuquan Johnson, Enrico Colangeli, Natalie Williamson


Actress Kate Quigley, who barely survived a home overdose that killed three friends a week ago, says she is “forever changed” by the tragedy.

“All I can say is, tell your people that you love them every day. Be careful. And please don’t take life for granted. I did it and I will never do it again, ”she wrote in an Instagram post.

Quigley was with Fuquan Johnson, 42; Enrico Colangeli, 48 years old; and Natalie Williamson, 33, in Venice Beach on September 4, when they allegedly used cocaine that could have been combined with the pain reliever fentanyl.

Only Quigley could be saved. She was taken to hospital in critical condition. A day later, her mother said in a Facebook post that she couldn’t stay “lucid for more than a moment at a time.”

On Thursday, the comic book and actress released a brief update, thanking friends and fans for their support.

“I am still healing physically and mentally. But reading all these positive messages from you really makes me cry tonight, ”she wrote.

Finally returned from hospital on Saturday, Quigley said in a new post that she had had “time and clarity” to deal with the incident at greater length.

“I feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of kind messages and am incredibly grateful to be surrounded by a strong community of friends, family, colleagues and fans who have offered their support during this time; and the team of paramedics, nurses and doctors who saved my life, ”she wrote.

“Words cannot describe the pain I feel,” she continued, paying tribute to the victims.

“Fu was a generous and loving soul. He was hilarious, supportive and incredibly genuine with the most infectious spirit, ”she wrote of Johnson, who was on the LA stand-up circuit.

“Rico was always filled with enthusiasm,” she said of Colangeli, another local comic. She added that her friend Williamson “was so kind and endearing.”

“They each left an indelible mark on my life and that of those close to them. I will miss them.”

Quigley, who hosts a podcast, did not discuss the details of the party or the overdose, adding, “There are so many other things I want to say, but I’m not ready. When I am, I will.

The LAPD has not said whether it has opened a criminal investigation into the overdoses.


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