Nicki Minaj fans chat at CDC headquarters about star who ‘told the truth’ about vaccines


Nicki Minaj supporters marched through the Atlanta headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – chanting that the pop star “spoke the truth” with her bizarre comments about COVID vaccines.

More than a dozen protesters shouted into a loudspeaker on Wednesday in defense Minaj’s baseless fears about the beatings, including that a friend of a cousin was left helpless and with swollen testicles.

“Nicki told me the truth! Fauci lied to me! chanted the populace, referring to White House infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci, who said this week there was “no evidence” supporting Minaj’s claims.

Leaders of the protest told CBS46 that they trusted the word of the “Chun-Li” star rather than that of CDC and Fauci officials.

«Nicki the queen of rock! one of the leaders of the march told the outlet about the rapper’s apparent credentials.

“And she said, ‘I question this vaccine, and we should all question this vaccine,” “said the protester, who was not identified by the station.

The Minister of Health of Trinidad and Tobago – where Minaj’s cousin’s friend lives – complained that they “wasted so much time … pursuing the false claim”, without anyone reporting swollen testicles.

The headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.
The headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
REUTERS / Tami Chappell / File

CBS46 did not say whether anyone from the CDC addressed the protest outside its headquarters in Georgia – a state where less than 45% of the population is fully vaccinated, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

However, Dr. Neetu Abad, scientist and disinformation expert for the group, diplomatically told the outlet that the CDC “advocates that people seek advice from trusted medical professionals.”

“If someone doesn’t have that training, then no, we don’t recommend listening to them,” she said.

Abad also insisted, “We know that COVID vaccines are safe and effective and that they do not affect the fertility of men or women. “


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