Chrissy Teigen reveals how her body is ‘stuck’ after pregnancy loss


Chrissy Teigen said her body was

Chrissy Teigen said her body was “suspended in time” after her pregnancy loss. (Photo: Getty Images)

It’s been almost a year since Chrissy Teigen shared that she lost her baby Jack during pregnancy.

Now the star, 35, has revealed his body has struggled to adjust ever since, describing it as “stuck” and “paused in time.”

In an Instagram post, the mother-of-two wrote: “It’s really weird when you lose a baby and your body stops in time.

“Usually you would earn your ‘yumyums, I’m praaaagnant!’ weight, then put your little baby’s weight.

“Then ideally you would have your baby. And you would feed him with your breasts and your body would load up and do what it does to get you back into combat shape.”

Teigen added, “But man. When you lose a baby halfway through, your body takes a break. It has nothing to do. No one to feed.

“And you’re just… stuck. Stuck with saggy breasts preparing to be sacks of milk, a belly that was ready to cook.”

She said: “I would be lying if I said it didn’t really suck. Not only are you extremely, devilishly sad about what could have been, but you have that daily reminder every time you look at yourself in the fucking. mirror. “

Teigen’s incredibly honest post received over 405,000 likes, as well as over 8,000 comments, including plenty of praise and support.

Paris Hilton wrote: “You are beautiful inside and out.”

Sell ​​the sunset Star Christine Quinn shared, “Stay strong angel.”

One fan told him, “I never comment, but I wanted to thank you for sharing and showing us that celebrities are normal. Young people don’t have that point of view often enough. Sharing your ups and yours. low is priceless and uplift you with All I have. “

Teigen – who shares a young son and daughter with her husband, singer John Legend – was 20 weeks pregnant when told her baby wouldn’t make it.

In an Instagram post last October, the model and author revealed her “deep pain” as her baby boy couldn’t survive, despite “bags and sacks” of blood transfusions.

Accompanying a raw black and white image of her crying as she sat on a hospital bed, she added, “We are so grateful for the life we ​​have, for our wonderful babies Luna and Miles, for all the amazing things we were able to bring to life.

“But every day cannot be full of sunshine. In these darkest days, we will cry, we will cry with our eyes.”

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