Chris Rock Says He Has Covid-19 And Urges Skeptics: ‘Get Vaccinated’ | Chris rock


Comedian Chris Rock said on Sunday he had tested positive for Covid-19 and sent a message to anyone still on the fence: “Get vaccinated.”

The 56-year-old wrote on Twitter: ‘Hey guys, just found out I have Covid, trust me you don’t want that. To get vaccinated.”

Rock’s tweet came at the end of a week in which another big star, rapper Nicki Minaj, caused controversy – and hilarity – with a tweet casting doubt on the safety of vaccines against the Covid-19.

After the Trinidad-born rapper tweeted that she had heard that the vaccine could cause impotence through swollen testicles, a claim that duly went viral, the White House offered to put her in touch with doctors. administration who could answer his questions.

The Biden administration has sought new ways to refute misinformation and reach young vaccine skeptics, inviting pop star Olivia Rodrigo to the White House earlier this year to show support for the shooting.

Minaj had said that she would not get the vaccine until “I think I have done enough research.”

Rock said he was vaccinated. Appearing on NBC’s Tonight Show in May, he called himself “Two-Shots Rock” before clarifying that he received the Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine.

“You know, I skipped the line,” he told host Jimmy Fallon. ” I did not care. I used my celebrity, Jimmy. I was like, ‘Step back, Betty White. Stand aside, old folks… I did “Pootie Tang”. Leave me on the front line.


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