Purdue graduate student develops military flight training technology – WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana weather


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (Inside INdiana Business) – A Purdue graduate student, who has developed a flight training tool that he says could save the US military millions of dollars, will face five other teams in the competition next month. of 2021 collegiate inventors. Mahdi Al-Husseini is a graduate student at the Purdue School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

He says the Aura training systems he developed, along with his Stanford University teammate Joshua Barnett, can cut training time for army helicopter pilots by 10%.

Al-Husseini says that Aura analyzes instrument displays using a pipeline of computer vision and machine learning techniques. It then identifies the current helicopter maneuver and creates performance reports.

“Pilot training is an intensive process that ensures safe aircraft and helicopter operations,” Al-Husseini said in the competition submission form. “However, the pilots of most aircraft, especially non-commercial, non-passenger aircraft, do not have real-time access to meaningful flight data being processed.”

Al-Husseini knows something about the training of military pilots. He is also a US Army medical evacuation pilot and flies the HH-60M Sikorsky Black Hawk.

“My ability to fly affects not only myself and my crew, but also patients who may require life-saving care,” said 1st Lt. Al-Husseini.

Al-Husseini estimates that Aura could potentially save the military $ 106 million per year in training costs.

Next month, the team will showcase their Aura training system to a team of National Inventors Hall of Fame inductees and officials from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


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