Biden approval ratings drop as Trump rises


U.S. voters are gradually losing faith in President Biden, whose approval rating has hit a new low since taking office – while former President Donald Trump’s approval rating is on the rise.

According to a new poll released by Gallup on Wednesday, only 43% of Americans approve of the way Biden handles his job as president, up from 49% in August.

The poll, which surveyed 1,005 adults across the country from September 1 to 17, found that 53% of those polled disapprove of Biden’s work.

Biden’s approval rating has been plummeting for several months, as his disapproval grows. In June, Gallup found approval to be around 56% and disapproval 42%.

His approval is down 14 points since he took office in January.

Overall, American voters are largely dissatisfied with the way the country is governed, with 69% saying they disapprove and only 30% approve.

Due to recent events, a new pole has shown that President Biden's approval ratings have declined while those of former President Trump have increased.
Due to recent events, a new poll has shown that President Biden’s approval ratings have declined while those of former President Donald Trump have increased.

Wednesday’s poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

As disapproval grows, Trump is seeing an increase in his own approval rating, topping Biden by about 2 percentage points, according to a separate poll.

Forty-eight percent of U.S. voters have a positive opinion of Trump, while only 46 percent said they prefer Biden, according to a Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll shared with multiple media outlets.

A poll shows that 47% of people have a negative opinion of Donald Trump, but 49% have a negative opinion of Biden.
A poll shows that 47% of people have a negative opinion of Trump, but 49% have a negative opinion of Biden.
Brandon Bell / Getty Images
A new poll in Iowa shows less than a third of the population is happy with the Biden administration.
A new poll in Iowa shows less than a third of the population is happy with the Biden administration.
Al Drago / Getty Images

On the disapproval side, the survey has always found Trump in the lead, with 47% saying they have a negative opinion of the former president while 49% disapproving of Biden.

As rumors continue to circulate about whether Trump will stand for re-election in 2024, 51% of 1,578 people polled said Trump was a better president than Biden. Only 49% said they preferred Biden over Trump.

“Growing problems on all fronts have led to the startling conclusion that Trump is now considered as good a president as Biden, suggesting that the honeymoon is replaced by buyer’s remorse,” said Mark Penn, co-director from Harvard-Harris. investigation, according to the British newspaper The Times. “People see [Mike] Pence as best 10 point VP and see massively [Trump Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo much better than [Biden Secretary of State Antony] Blinken, who was at the forefront of Afghanistan.

51% said Trump was a better president than Biden.  Only 49% said they preferred Biden over Trump.
Fifty-one percent said Trump was a better president than Biden. Only 49% said they preferred Biden over Trump.
James Devaney / GC Images

Conducted September 15-16, the Harvard / Harris poll comes as the Biden administration grapples with the growing crisis on the southern border and the consequences of a chaotic troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

A slew of other investigations have highlighted the decline in Biden’s approval in recent weeks. A Des Moines Register / Mediacom Iowa poll on Wednesday found that less than a third of Iowa residents approve of Biden’s work, an alarming sign given the swing state’s key role in national elections.


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