3 zodiac signs who will have a tough day on September 26, 2021


While others will take advantage of the Libra Sun and Gemini Moon, for three zodiac signs that will have a rough day on September 26, 2021, it will likely bring frustration because even though there are decisions and choices that you may make. you feel ready to do it, you won? t feel free to do it.

With the Sun in Libra, we are more able to compromise and find a balanced and fair outcome for any decisions or choices we may make in our lives.

The Gemini Moon will only encourage us to think and come up with non-traditional solutions or ideas that create the space to actively create the life we ​​dream of.

However, in order to be able to explore our ideas, desires, and even our dreams, we must feel free to do so; to act in the future is to feel free to leave the past.

This is where we often get stuck, because whether imaginary or real, we often see a lack of freedom in our lives.

We become stuck or bombarded by the responsibilities or obligations of our life. The wounds we are trying to mend and the happiness of others that we have taken care of.

When we do this, no matter what we desire, no matter what we decide, we won’t take any action because we don’t feel free to do it.

That’s a big chunk of Saturn’s energy that is currently flowing through the final degrees of Aquarius before it goes into Pisces at the end of this year.


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