Kelly Clarkson receives $ 10.4 million Montana ranch in divorce


A judge gave Kelly clarkson the reins of the $ 10.4 million Montana ranch where her ex-husband, Brandon blackstock, lives since their separation.

According to the September 30 order obtained by E! New. Instead, the judge confirmed their prenuptial agreement.

The move means Clarkson has taken control of the farm since buying the house, according to a source.

“The Court further concludes that the Montana Ranch and the other two Montana properties are not titled on behalf of the two parties as joint tenants with right of survivorship or as tenants in their entirety, as required by the PMA to create marital property, “the decision read.” The court therefore rejects the defendant’s position that the Montana Ranch and other Montana properties are matrimonial property owned 50/50 by the Parties. ”


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