Psaki admits Biden likely won’t get his full $ 3.5 billion spending proposal


White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted on Friday that President Joe Biden would likely only receive part of his proposed $ 3.5 trillion spending budget, saying “compromise is necessary” and “inevitable”.

“He understands that he might not get absolutely everything he wants in this package, and others may not get absolutely everything they want in this package, but I won’t describe him further from this. from here, “Psaki said in a briefing, noting that the White House is trying to” bring together all points of view, unite all voices, understand what everyone is for and pass both laws. “

“What we are working on is unifying a path to achieve these two packages,” Psaki told reporters. “Compromise is necessary, it is inevitable.”

Discussing the ongoing negotiations over Biden’s expensive Build Back Better program, Psaki stressed the “need to work with members of the Senate, to get them to a place where they commit to chart a clear course for this program.”


Asked about the lack of confidence in the White House from progressives who question negotiations between the White House and moderate Democrats like West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Psaki said noted the “diversity of views and opinions” among Democrats. and insisted that the ongoing negotiations and conversations are “healthy”.

In an attempt to balance a wide range of views with several Democratic senators, the White House appears to be becoming more open to the idea of ​​”compromise.”


If the price of the reconciliation bill is lowered, it’s not clear that all progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Will vote for it. Sanders says $ 3.5 trillion is as low as he wants it to be, insisting he would rather it total $ 5,000 billion. Manchin, on the other hand, wants a lower price, saying he believes the price to be paid for the Democrats’ budget reconciliation bill should cap at $ 1.5 trillion.

Psaki also failed to indicate that progress had been made on the negotiations. “As we said in a statement last night, ‘we’re not there yet’, we’re still working on it, it remains the case today,” Psaki said, noting that Biden “will be traveling through the country “at least. “one day, maybe two” next week to promote the expensive Build Back Better program.

But Psaki denied that this meant the White House did not expect a deal this week.


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