Senate Democrats lower manchin tension


Senate Democrats are trying to lower the heat after days of high-profile drama and a delay of the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the House.

The House came to a halt on Friday after days of intense, hour-long meetings with no agreement on the way forward on the Senate infrastructure bill and the reconciliation bill, which is said to carry many Democrats’ long-standing political ambitions.

The standoff on Capitol Hill has sparked a proxy war between the squad and Senate moderates, with leaders stuck in the middle trying to find a way to keep them both happy. But Senate Democrats, including caucus progressives, largely avoid backing up against Sen. Joe manchinJoe ManchinThe Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Alibaba – Democrats still at odds over Biden Manchin’s agenda throws the gauntlet at progressives Debt fight rekindles Democrats’ obstruction MORE (DW.Va.).

“We are in negotiations with all Democrats. Everyone is trying to row in the same direction, ”said the senator. Elizabeth warrenElizabeth WarrenThe Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Alibaba – Democrats still at odds over Biden’s agenda (D-Mass.), When asked if she was surprised or frustrated with Manchin’s $ 1.5 trillion turnover, which is $ 2 trillion less than what Biden and other Democrats were chasing. .

His. Debbie StabenowDeborah (Debbie) Ann Stabenow Democrats surprised, caught off guard by ‘framework’ deal Congress facing shutdown, debt crisis without Plan B GOP warns McConnell won’t blink on debt cliff MORE (D-Mich.), Who was seen snuggling with Manchin and Sen. Chris CoonChris Andrew CoonsManchin raises the red flag on carbon tax (D-Del.) In the Senate this week noted that they had spoken of “things we want to do, that we share.”

“There is a lot of commonality,” she added. “There are a lot of positive efforts.

The effort to stay positive comes after Manchin threw a glove Thursday, publicly announcing his preference for a $ 1.5 trillion price tag for the Democrats’ social spending bill. That’s significantly less than the $ 3.5 trillion that was lit green by Democrats under a budget resolution earlier this year and the bill drafted by House committees.

“To get theirs, elect more Liberals. … I was never a liberal in any way, ”Manchin told reporters in a massive group outside Capitol Hill.

But the response from Senate Democrats was largely toned down, with several Manchin’s comments representing a positive step forward after weeks of questioning what their moderate colleague was looking for.

“It is certainly useful to know the priorities of Senator Manchin,” said the senator. Chris murphyChristopher (Chris) Scott Murphy Debt fight reignites Democrats’ obstruction against angst Democrats pour cold water on Manchin’s .5T price. (D-Conn.). “What he’s signaling is that he wants to make a deal.”

His. Tim kaineTimothy (Tim) Michael Kaine Congress poised to avoid shutdown, but debt brawl looms Senate Democrats consider government finance bill without increasing debt Democrats scramble for strategy to avoid the PLUS fault (D-Va.), Asked if he saw the $ 1.5 trillion as a tough stop for Manchin, said, “I’d be surprised if it wasn’t negotiable, I just know Joe.”

Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Ron WydenRonald (Ron) Lee WydenSchumer feels heat to bring Manchin and Sinema on board Congress poised to avoid shutdown, but debt scuffle looms (D-Ore.) Central starting point.

“He said very clearly that he wants to start reconciliation by canceling the 2017 tax bill.… I want everyone to know that the Senate Finance Committee and I spent three years preparing for exactly this, and we are ready to go right now, ”said Wyden .

“And another point on that, he and I continue to have constructive discussions on energy issues and I think that’s helpful,” Wyden continued.

Part of the math for Democrats has been the belief that throwing rhetorical bombs at Manchin is not likely to move him. Even though Senate progressives have deep disagreements with Manchin over the size and some of the substance of the $ 3.5 trillion spending plan, in a 50-50 Senate and with all Republicans voting, the leadership will ultimately have need their support to be successful.

“I think it’s really a situation where I don’t think all of us banging on Joe is going to do it,” Sen said. Mazie hironoMazie Keiko HironoThe Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Alibaba – Democrats Still Disagree on Biden Agenda Debt fight rekindles Democrats obstruction anxiety (D-Hawaii) recently told reporters when asked to talk about Senate Democrats’ efforts to figure out what Manchin wants.

Asked about Manchin, the senator. Tammy baldwinTammy Suzanne BaldwinBiden bypasses GOP on vacant bench, so far Democrats take on ‘Rubik’s cube on steroids’ Warren and Daines introduce bill honoring 13 killed in Kabul attack MORE (D-Wis.) Added in an interview with CNN: “I love looking at the positives.”

“He’s still negotiating. He’s still talking. It is a little too focused on the numbers on the first line rather than the programs. And let me say that I believe progressives and moderates alike are committed to the Build Back Better agenda, ”she said.

It’s not just Senate Democrats, with key House players holding their knocks.

After Manchin called a $ 3.5 trillion plan “fiscal madness,” President Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiTransportation funding expires after Pelosi withdraws vote on infrastructure The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Alibaba – Democrats still disagree on Biden’s agenda (D-Calif.) Didn’t bite the questions about her “Senate problem” and whether she thought Manchin sounded “like someone who is open to new negotiations.”

“Look, I think Joe Manchin is a great member of Congress – of the Senate, we’re friends. We are Italian-Americans, we get along, Catholics, we have common values. I have enormous respect for him. … So we have our common ground, ”Pelosi told reporters.

President of the Progressive Caucus Pramila JayapalPramila JayapalTransportation funding expires after Pelosi withdraws infrastructure vote The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Alibaba – Democrats still disagree on Biden’s agenda (D-Wash.)

“We have invited Senator Manchin or anyone else who wishes to present their vision,” she added.

Democrats face high stakes amid weeks of growing infighting and big questions about how they are putting their competing factions on the same page. Two-part infrastructure and spending are at the heart of Biden’s legislative agenda, with many Democrats seeing it as too big to fail as they increasingly turn their attention to 2022.

Biden met with House Democrats on Capitol Hill on Friday and predicted that after that, the two bills – the bipartisan Senate bill and a social spending package – would eventually land on his desk.

“We’re going to do it,” Biden said as he left the caucus meeting. “It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter if it’s six minutes, six days, or six weeks. We’re going to do it.”

Senate Democrats echoed the remarks, predicting a deal would be made – at some point.

Kaine said the Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerDemocrats back Hollywood teams threatening historic strike Overnight Energy & Environment – Presented by the American Petroleum Institute – Manchin: Gas ‘must’ be part of clean energy program Senate confirms controversial choice of Biden in land management PLUS (DN.Y.) “is optimistic that we’ll get there, and so am I.”

“I just think that’s the hard part. The last days of work. It’s just the hard part of the negotiation, ”Kaine added. “We want Biden to be successful. Biden’s success will be good for all the remaining members of this caucus. “

Asked about the timing, Stabenow said, “You just don’t know. You really don’t know.

“I think the time is ending in the details of the writing,” she said. “We’re in a place where people want to come together … and they’re talking about details.”


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