Ryan Faircloth indicted for throwing Molotov cocktail at Democratic Party headquarters in Austin


An Austin man has been arrested and charged with throwing a Molotov cocktail at the Travis County Democratic Party office. Authorities allege Ryan Faircloth, 30, threw the homemade explosive into the office earlier this week. He was caught thanks to a combination of surveillance video footage and a Facebook tipster who noted that Faircloth’s online posts had a style similar to a threatening and politically charged note left at the scene.

Authorities charged Faircloth with arson and possession of a prohibited weapon. He was late in a Travis County jail on $ 40,000 bail on Friday. No employee was injured but the explosive caused a small fire. Texas County Democratic Party Chairman Kate Naranjo said they installed cameras after a similar attack last year in which vandals damaged the building and scribbled messages such as “Restore the Communist Party”.

Read it on Austin American-Stateman


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