Parent describes shooting after game at Durham Co. ::


– A man was shot dead in the parking lot of County Durham Stadium during a homecoming soccer game on Friday night, officials said.

The man was taken to Duke Regional Hospital after being shot in the leg outside of the game between Northern Durham High School and Riverside High School.

Relative Stephanie Bishop said she witnessed Friday night’s shooting in the parking lot. The game had just ended.

Bishop, along with his children, were leaving the stadium at this time.

“I saw, as we were walking, I saw a car honking very close to us, so I looked and this gray sedan put the accelerator on and, upside down, crashed into a white sedan.” Bishop said. “It was very intentional.”

Bishop said the driver of one of the vehicles exited the parking lot and headed for the road. Within seconds, several shots were fired.

“We just fell to the ground,” she said. “We were so close I could see the gun exploding.”

Dan Gilfort, director of Northern Durham, wrote in a post that a vehicle crashed into the grass and fired shots into the air.

“At this time, we have no information to suggest that anyone at the game was under direct threat,” Gilfort wrote on Facebook.

Police did not provide WRAL News with any further details and said an investigation into the shooting was underway.

“I know this is a troubling incident. Counselors will be available at the school on Monday to support students with concerns,” he said.

Another high school football shootout was reported in Fayetteville on Friday night. Two teenagers were injured outside the Seventy-first High School. Officials said there would be additional security on the seventy-first Monday following a social media threat.


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