New York's first lady, McCray, said "the moment is not quite right" for De Blasio's presidential race


Chirlane McCray and Bill de Blasio

Whether her husband, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, is in office or not, Chirlane McCray wants the 2020 Democratic nominee to be not only "change-oriented", but also someone with "some sort of management experience ". Spencer Platt / Getty Images

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Chirlane McCray also explains why she plans to represent herself.


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New York City's first lady, Chirlane McCray, said her husband, Bill de Blasio, would be "an excellent president," but that "the moment is not entirely appropriate" for a presidential race in 2020.

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In an interview with POLITICO's Women Rule podcast, McCray spoke of Blasio's five-year record as mayor of America's largest city, and said the demands of his current position would make it difficult for -Blanche.

"But look what he did," she said in a recorded interview on Jan. 24 and broadcast as a podcast on Wednesday morning. "The safest big city in the country. Pre-K for all – and let me tell you that 70,000 pre-K students are present … if New York can do it, anyone can do it, is not it? And health care guaranteed for all. These are huge achievements, and I'm looking for someone like that. I am looking for someone who could undertake this kind of difficult battle and make it happen for everyone. Would not that be wonderful?

Asked for a comment, a mayor's assistant said that a candidacy for Blasio's presidency was at least under discussion. "As the First Lady said, the Mayor is focused on his work," Michael Casca, the Mayor's Director of Communications, told POLITICO on February 25. "But they do not exclude anything for the moment."

McCray's words of skepticism at a presidential race came as de Blasio openly flirted to join the broad democrat field of potential contenders in 2020, which already includes two New Yorkers – Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and the United States. former Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg.

De Blasio returned to Iowa last weekend for a visit to the presidential ambition. He acknowledged that he had "not ruled out a candidacy for the presidency, of course".

He also stated that he was to discuss the matter with his family.

Whether or not Blasio, McCray said that she wanted the Democratic candidate to be not only "change-oriented", but also someone with "some kind of leadership experience" – a requirement that most prominent Democratic candidates in the 2020 area do not fulfill. meet.


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