Elon Musk mocks Rivian’s ‘autonomous’ driving feature


Elon Musk had a good laugh on Twitter Tuesday at the expense of Tesla’s new electric rival, Rivian.

Rivian this week filed documents for a proposed IPO that laid out many of his future plans, including billing clients $ 10,000 for “autonomous driving capabilities.”

The brief did not directly connect the dots, but appears to refer to Rivian’s Driver + feature, which is in development as a Level 3 autonomous driving system with hands-free capability.

NHTSA defines range 3 as a system that “can itself perform all aspects of the driving task under certain circumstances.” Under these circumstances, the human driver must be ready to regain control at any time when the ADS asks them to do so. . In all other circumstances, the human driver performs the task of driving. “

The Rivian R1T pickup is the brand’s first model. (Bank)

Rivian did not immediately respond to a request for comment from FOX Business on the exact nature of the $ 10,000 fee, which is the same Tesla currently charges for its controversially-named full self-driving feature that promises to deliver a level. of similar autonomy. in the future.

Teslarati’s website posted a link to an article mentioning the connection on Twitter, to which someone replied: “This is very good news, they have to wait until Tesla finishes so they can copy it lol”, prompting Musk to tweet two laughing emojis.

This isn’t the first time Musk has referred to Rivian, who is backed by space competitor Jeff Bezos, Amazon, on the social media platform.

In August, Musk tweeted, “I don’t mean to be unreasonable, but maybe they should be required to deliver at least one vehicle per billion dollars of valuation * before * the IPO?” in response to reports that Rivian’s IPO values ​​the company’s IPO at around $ 80 billion, which is more than General Motors’ current value, but only about a tenth of Tesla’s market cap.

He also suggested that Rivian should “run his first plant” before giving the green light to a proposed second plant in Texas, where Tesla currently has one under construction.

Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe, for his part, rarely comments on Musk or Tesla, but recently told FOX Business he recognizes the automaker as “a leader” in electric cars.


Rivian’s IPO filing also revealed that the company had more than 48,000 pre-orders for its R1T pickup and R1S SUV as of the end of September and that the Normal, Illinois plant currently has. the capacity to produce up to 150,000 vehicles per year, which could be increased. to 200,000 in 2023.


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