IATSE and AMPTP Return to Bargaining for Day 2 of Ultimate Workout to Avoid Strike – Deadline


The IATSE and AMPTP resumed negotiations today after working all day Tuesday to avoid a threat of a national strike against film and television productions.

The last-minute negotiations come after 53,000 IATSE members voted almost unanimously to give their president, Matthew Loeb, the power to call a strike if he and AMPTP president Carol Lombardini, fail to agree on a new deal. The two sides have been negotiating, on and off, since May 18, but the final round of talks this week will be the last before a deal is reached or a strike is called. A strike, if it comes to it, would be the first national strike in the history of the union.

The talks are going on virtually, as they have been throughout the long negotiating process due to the Covid pandemic.

After this weekend’s strike authorization vote, Loeb said, “I hope the studios will see and understand the determination of our members. The ball is in their backyard. If they want to avoid a strike, they will go back to the bargaining table and make a reasonable offer to us.



The members, he said, “have spoken loud and clear. This vote concerns the quality of life as well as the health and safety of those who work in the film and television industry. Our people have basic human needs such as time for meal breaks, adequate sleep and a weekend. For those at the bottom of the pay scale, they deserve nothing less than a living wage. “

AMPTP said on Monday that it “remains committed to reaching a deal that will allow the industry to continue to operate. We deeply value our IATSE crew members and are committed to working with them to avoid shutting down the industry. industry at such a crucial time, especially as the industry is still recovering from the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic. An agreement can be reached at the negotiating table, but both parties will have to work together in good faith with a willingness to compromise and explore new solutions to resolve outstanding issues.


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