Idaho Governor Says He Will Reverse Lt. Governor’s Actions Taken In His Absence


Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) said he would reverse actions taken by Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin (R) in the event of the coronavirus pandemic while Little was in Texas, including banning schools from require vaccines or tests.

“I am in Texas to serve as the duly elected governor of Idaho, and I have not authorized the lieutenant governor to act on my behalf,” Little said in a statement shared on social media Tuesday.

“I will cancel and revoke all measures taken by the lieutenant governor upon my return,” he added.

Little travels to Texas to unveil a 10-point plan to secure the US-Mexico border with a group of Republican governors. According to Politico, he is expected to be back in Idaho by Wednesday.

Upon his departure, McGeachin signed an executive order prohibiting government agencies, including universities and public schools in the state, from requiring vaccines or weekly tests.

Little signed his own executive order banning “vaccine passports” in April, though his does not explicitly prohibit state schools from requiring such proof.

Additionally, while Little was gone, McGeachin inquired about the National Guard’s deployment to the US-Mexico border, The Associated Press reported.

Little did not respond directly to the vaccine’s mandate, but called the National Guard’s deployment effort a “great political position.”

He added that it was “an affront to Idaho’s constitution and an insult to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving our state and country.”

“The people of Idaho can rest assured that as a duly elected governor, I will continue to fight this important issue,” Little said.

This isn’t the first time Little has had to reverse one of McGeachin’s actions.

She launched a main challenge against him in May amid fighting between the two over handling the coronavirus pandemic. That same month, Little repealed a ban on mask warrants by local authorities that McGeachin put in place during his absence.


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