The Kardashians are upset about Jordyn Woods' interview


  • In the middle of Jordyn Woods' major interview on Red Table Talk today, said a source We weekly that the Kardashians are furious about the whole thing.
  • According to the source, Jordyn has still not apologized for his actions.

    Jordyn Woods virtually caused Facebook's collapse today when she went on Red Table Talk to expose her side of the Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson fraud scandal. FWIW, the Kardashians are apparently less than pleased with his interview.

    "The Kardashians and their friends are very angry. Jordyn does not tell the truth, "said a source We. "Jordyn is clearly only for Jordyn."

    One of the reasons the reports say that they're so upset, which Khloé has repeated on Twitter, is that they say that Jordyn "did not apologize to Khloé"

    "She still has not," said the source. "It does not count as an excuse."

    But Jordyn said that was not the case. She said that she had contacted Kylie Jenner and Khloe to discuss it.

    "I apologized as much as I could by phone, by text message. And as long as I do not have the opportunity to talk face to face, could she really feel what I said? But I've reached out and the opportunity has come forward, "she said.

    So until we see receipts, this whole situation seems to indicate that it will continue. Yuck.

    Follow Emma on Instagram.


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