Ilhan Omar's poster leads to injury and resignation in the West Virginia Legislative Assembly


AIlhan Omar, D-Min., Appears on the image of a plane crashing against the World Trade Center sowing tumult on Friday at the House of Delegates of West Virginia. resulting in resignation and injury.

The poster appeared to be an attempt to link the Minnesota Democrat to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The poster was displayed in the West Virginia Capitol Rotunda during the "WV GOP Day".

With the West Virginia Republican Party, a number of organizations held exhibitions on Friday. One of these posters contained a photo of the congressman who had arrived in the United States as a Somali refugee under a plane that hit the Twin Towers with the words "Never Forget," it was said … image buildings in flames and the words "I am proof that you have forgotten" about Omar's image.

According to West Virginia public radio, Jewish Democrat Mike Pushkin condemned the poster at the beginning of the session, comparing it to propaganda that could have been seen before or at the beginning of the Nazi regime.

"It may be a little personal to me because, you know, I'm also a member of a religious minority that you know in the early 30s in Germany, you could see a similar poster about another religion – and it's one of the many reasons why it bothers me, "Pushkin said.

Pushkin also tweeted a photo of the poster while writing: "This poster is in your Capitol on a booth sponsored by [the Republican Party of West Virginia] "When someone shows you who he is, believe him."

The poster provoked controversy and agitation all day on the Capitol. This created a stormy debate in the hallway that spilled over into the chamber of the House. Weapons Sergeant Anne Lieberman submitted a letter of resignation after being accused of using an anti-Muslim insult, according to a WSAZ report.

"The weapons sergeant of this body had the nerve to tell us" all Muslims are terrorists. "This goes beyond shame and freedom of speech," Del said. Michael Angelucci, a democrat.

The situation became physical when Del. Mike Caputo, a Democrat, opened the entrance to the room. A doorman who held the door shut during the daily prayer and pledge of allegiance would have been injured.

In speeches on the ground, some Republicans used their time to discuss the importance of the First Amendment. Of the. Dianna Graves, a Republican, said that while she might disagree on content, freedom of expression is something that must always be preserved.

"My problem with what I saw on the outside is related to another truly American fundamental problem, namely freedom of expression. So, while I may not agree with everything that exists, I agree that freedom of expression is something we must protect, even if we do not accept it. . Perhaps especially when we do not agree with that, "said Graves to the House.

Omar herself reacted Friday to controversy over the controversy in West Virginia on Twitter: "It's no wonder I'm on the list of victims of a national terrorist and that" Assassinate Ilhan Omar "is on the list. local service stations.

Speaker of the House of Delegates, Roger Hanshaw, a Republican, condemned the events that took place on Friday.

"At the beginning of today 's meeting, we had a series of incidents in our assembly and outside of it, which absolutely do not reflect the character and nature of the meeting. the civility that the citizens of this state require of their officials, "Hanshaw said in a statement. We can do better. "


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