As 2019 approaches with Android Q on the horizon, there are still phones in recent years to receive their updates from Pie. While Samsung, Huawei and Asus have brought most of their flagship devices to the latest release, HTC has fallen behind – excluding, of course, last year's U11 Life. But the company's official Twitter account today announced that the U11, U11 + and U12 + would receive Pie in the second quarter of 2019.

This could be as early as next month or as late as June. It's been more than three months since the under-11's had Pie, but with the sad state of regret that HTC is right now, it's amazing that the company releases updates. Nevertheless, there is at least hope for the owners of these three devices.

It is possible that the first preview of the developer for Android Q is available before these three HTC phones get Pie, but hey, better late than never, is not it?