Alex Trebek resumes the recording of "Jeopardy!" shows after the announcement of cancer


Tuesday was the first day of production planned at "Jeopardy!" since the announcement of Trebek last Wednesday.

"We are recording today and Alex is here and behind his lectern as expected," said a spokesman for the much-loved TV series on Tuesday.

"Peril!" occupies a scene on the Sony Pictures batch in Culver City, California. The show normally has two days of production a week, when multiple episodes of the daily show are recorded in a row.

So the show stays on track, which is consistent with what Trebek said in his recorded announcement.

"I'm going to fight," he said. "And I will continue to work, and with the help and support of my family and friends, and with the help of your prayers, I also plan to beat statistics on the low survival rate for this disease. "

Trebek joked that "I have to beat" because, under the terms of my contract, I have to host "Jeopardy! "for another three years".

Last fall, he extended his contract until 2022.

The TV industry and fans around the world gathered around Trebek. Twitter and Facebook accounts of "Jeopardy!" posted a thank you message last friday.

"The wave of good wishes and support sparked by Alex's recent health news has been humiliating and overwhelming," the series wrote. "Know that your messages are passed on to him and are deeply appreciated, all of Jeopardy's thanks!"

Veteran political analyst Jeff Greenfield, who has already made an appearance in the game show, said Sunday in "Reliable Sources" that Trebek rewards knowledge with a show that is an "oasis" in a "vast desert" television.

Trebek "really deserves not only our wishes and hopes that he beats all the obstacles, but also our heartfelt thanks for broadcasting this show" for 35 years, said Greenfield.


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