Jazz fan banned for Russell Westbrook incident; Mitchell launches hate speech


SALT LAKE CITY – Shane Keisel does not represent the known jazz fans of Donovan Mitchell. Or the type of fan that the organization wants in its arena.

Keisel, the Jazz fan who has engaged in an altercation with Russell Westbrook in Monday's game, has been banned by Utah Jazz, the Larry H. Miller group said.

The Jazz conducted an investigation through video and eyewitness accounts and determined that Keisel was violating the NBA Code of Conduct.

Westbrook said Keisel told him to "kneel as usual", which led the Thunder Star to verbally threaten Keisel. Westbrook was fined $ 25,000 by the league for his secular tirade.

"Everyone deserves to be able to play and play in a safe, positive and inclusive environment," said Steve Starks, president of Utah Jazz. "Offending and abusive behavior does not reflect the values ​​of the Miller family, our organization, and the community.

"We all have the responsibility to respect basketball and, more importantly, for each other as human beings.This has always been a hallmark of our incredible fan base and should always be our standard to go from the front. "

Mitchell is ready to work to make sure that is the case. In a statement, Mitchell said that he had been "personally hurt" by the altercation and wanted to do his part to eliminate this type of incident around the league in the future.

"As a black man living in a community that I love and playing within a team that gives me the opportunity to realize my dreams, this incident strikes near home. we, "said Mitchell. "Racist and hate speech hurts us all, and this is not the first time something like this has happened in our arena."

But he hopes it will be one of the last times. He does not believe that Keisel represents the fan base of Jazz as a whole – not far away. And hope the league players will understand that too.

"Utah I've come to love is welcoming and inclusive, and last night's incident is not telling our fan base," Mitchell said. "We do not want to create a negative reputation for athletes who might potentially want to come to Utah."

Mitchell congratulated his team and the NBA for reacting so quickly to what he called a "hate incident" and for showing that the Jazz would not tolerate inappropriate fan behavior.

"I join other parties in asking all teams to take a stand," said Mitchell, "we should not be hateful or racist at all times, and certainly not in our arena. "

Mitchell wants to be part of the elimination of this type of speech. He said he planned to work with his team, teammates and the NBA to help make arenas more welcoming and inclusive for all.

"This includes the prohibition of hate speech and racism," Mitchell said. "I do not have all the answers, but during the off-season, I will work with my foundation, SPIDACARES, to look closely at racial issues across the country and see what I can do to help combat racial inequalities. I ask you all to join me in this process because when we all speak, change happens. "

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