Mueller says Flynn's cooperation is "complete"


Michael Flynn

"The government believes that its cooperation is otherwise complete," lawyer Robert Mueller's lawyers wrote about former White House National Security advisor Michael Flynn. | Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images

Michael Flynn's cooperation with Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia is over, lawyers for the special council said Tuesday night to a federal judge presiding over the case of former national security adviser Trump.

In the same joint status report, Flynn's lawyers have requested a 90-day delay in their client's sentencing so that he can continue to cooperate with the government at the next trial of his former business partner in Alexandria, Virginia. Flynn is expected to testify in mid-July against Bijan Rafiekian, who faces charges of conspiracy and acting as an unregistered foreign government agent in Turkey.

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"At the moment, the defendant continues to ask for the continuation of the proceedings because the case in EDVA has not been resolved and it may be that the defendant is cooperating further as a result of the Plea agreement in this case, "said Flynn's attorney in the report. US District Judge Emmet Sullivan, referring to the Eastern District of Virginia.

Sullivan asked Flynn during his December sentence hearing to continue asking for delays until he did everything to satisfy the government – an offer that Flynn has now accepted twice.

Mueller did not take a position on Flynn's delay request, but said that prosecutors had exhausted the witness's information since pleading guilty to lying to the FBI in December 2017.

"Although the defendant remains in a position to cooperate with the law enforcement authorities and can testify in the EDVA case where he was to appear, the government believes that his cooperation is otherwise complete," wrote the editor. Mueller's lawyer.

Mueller's prosecutors had recommended that Sullivan sentence Flynn to jail time, if any.

"The defendant deserves the credit for having accepted his responsibility in good time and for having greatly helped the government," the special advocate wrote in a December memorandum on the severely redacted sentence that had 19 interviews of Flynn with his office and other prosecutors of the Ministry of Justice.

According to federal sentencing guidelines, Flynn is expected to serve a prison term ranging from zero to six months, and Mueller's office recommended the "low end" of the spectrum. Sullivan could give the retired army general up to five years.


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