The first reactions to the documentary Theranos are there, and yuck


HBO's Theranos documentary was finally aired and you bet people have ideas.

The inventor: looking for blood in Silicon Valley It was always going to be a scary watch, but what is particularly shocking is the details of how Elizabeth Holmes managed to trick enough rich people into millions of dollars for technology that did not work.

Holmes, who imitated Steve Jobs, even wore a black turtleneck. At least one person dressed for the occasion.

There was no question of how Holmes and who she was as a person had helped her to enter the investor room.

There were also claims that Holmes simulated a serious voice in public, for whatever reason.

In the end, however, most of the reactions come back to the same thing: shock and outrage that people are willing to give Holmes so much money.

The inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley is now streaming on HBO GO and Now.

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