Pete Buttigieg will be the "factor on the stage of the debate" that everyone is talking about, analyzes a political analyst


Political analyst Jammal Simmons suggested that when the time comes to debate with the 2020 presidential candidates, Pete Buttigieg will be the one to be discussed.

"I think Mayor Pete Buttigieg will be the factor to consider in the debate phase we will all be discussing afterwards," said Simmons. says Sunday on CBS News' Facing the nation. "It's someone who is ready to say what he thinks."

Simmons then pointed out that although Buttigieg – the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, in Indiana – is perhaps the youngest candidate for a bid for 2020, "he seems to be one of the more mature ".

"It comes to that with values. He puts politics on the table, "said the commentator. "He is a very strong activist."

Although the Democrat, who announced his exploratory campaign for 2020 in January, admitted that his race was a failure, he gained points in the polls after a series of high-profile media appearances. A week ago, Buttigieg jumped to third place in an Emerson poll of Ioawa caucus, behind former vice president Joe Biden and independent Senator Bernie Sanders. The mayor got support of 11%, against 25 and 24% respectively for Biden and Sanders.

An average of national polls conducted by Real Clear Politics indicates that Buttigieg is in seventh place with 2.2% of the vote, above many other highly publicized candidates. The latest Quinnipiac poll also showed him at 4%, tied with Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. An editorial published by CNN earlier this month also qualified Buttigieg as "the most prominent candidate for the 2020 race", comparing its rise on the national stage to that of former President Barack Obama.

Discussing the rapid growth of the national profile of the young mayor, her communication advisor, Lis Smith told CNN Reliable sources On Sunday, the goal was to get Buttigieg's message across and talk to people where they were.

"If you are someone who is comfortable in what you are and in your skin – and it's something that Mayor Pete is definitely – it makes sense to go for it." there, "she said.

GettyImages-1138959690 Pete Buttigieg, Democratic presidential candidate, speaks at the Commonwealth Club of California on March 28 in San Francisco Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Buttigieg rebuffed those who hinted that he was not qualified for a presidential candidacy because he was mayor only of a city of 100,000 inhabitants. He responded by pointing out that he currently has more political experience than President Donald Trump during his election. The mayor also praised his reserve lieutenant experience in the Navy, pointing out that he had "more military experience than anyone has arrived behind this office since George W. Buisson."

"What we are trying to do is give a glimpse of America's direction, what we think we should do, what freedom, security and democracy mean in concrete terms, especially the reason they indicate a progressive direction. point of view, "said the hope for 2020 an interview on sunday with AM2DM by BuzzFeed News, saying that "the most important thing is substance".

The young candidate also did not hesitate to show his sense of humor. Speaking at an event in San Francisco on Friday night, Buttigieg joked that the ideal candidate would be a "really, kind of young, handsome and forward-thinking, inclusive, new generation mayor." " He also noted that he was "the only gay and left-handed Maltese American episcopalian in the race".


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