Elon Musk Harambe rap: an automatic ode to the weed and dead primates


Testifying to the strangely enduring power of the most powerful of 2016, Elon Musk decided over the weekend to divert his attention from disturbing things (perhaps in a mythological sense) and to commemorate Harambe, the dead gorilla who became immortal on the Internet. .

The computer technician dropped the song "RIP Harambe" on Soundcloud Saturday night, because there was something really needed in 2019, it was Elon Musk who rapped out aggressive and self-tune lyrics of the type "We go back to the zoo thinking about you" and "Where do my gorillas go to? "(Not to mention the recurring theme that offers an unsuspected tribute to one of Musk's favorite stuff in the world, the grass, called" strong hay. ")

After tweeting the link, musk added"I'm disappointed that my label has failed." It's an obvious joke: Musk has never had a label, although he has considered creating his own streaming label; The track was published on a Soundcloud account for an "Emo G Records". But is anyone else dissatisfied that Musk has not disrupted the music industry? In fact, there are signs that yes: the song has been heard nearly 950,000 times since it was first displayed – high enough for a drop in Soundcloud – and the notes are filled with comments such as "this slap" and "af pls lead me to march. "

As the song has gone around on social media, so too complaints that he relived a racist meme. Harambe's commentary began in 2016 in the black social media communities as an ironic social commentary – so there are several layers left to decompress now that he has found himself in the hands of one. tech guru, an ultra privileged white man.

Does Musk's incursion into rap have a greater meaning?

For those who are more familiar with billionaire Tesla's controversial business decisions, his night shift towards rap may seem off the mark. But it is in fact a movement that is not surprising, although still inexplicable: the eccentric musk and worshiped cults has always been a lover of memes.

Does this mean that the Harambe meme is at stake again? Or is Musk turning to the tribute of his dreams in 2016? We can understand that if this is the last case – by sending Teslas to Mars and fighting the Securities and Exchange Commission, Azealia Banks and his own employees, it is possible that he had "rap about Harambe "on his long list of tasks only now ticked.

I'll admit here that there may be more at that time and that I'll go down a brief burrowing terrier about a possible connection between Elon Musk and Cincinnati, to determine why Musk could target Harambe. at the moment. Here's my best shot at Muskspiracy: You may remember that Harambe was living in the Cincinnati Zoo – the now infamous place where the veteran gorilla was shot after a toddler was buried in his reserve, in one of the some of the most controversial moments of 2016.

Cincinnati is also home to the University of Cincinnati (UC), which has been striving for years to build a prototype of Musk's invention called hyperloop. The hyperloop is a high-speed tunnel concept with magnetic levitation – theoretically designed to zoom in on the nation at 760 mph. Musk first proposed the theory of hyperloop in 2013 and opened his plan in order to put in place an "All scientists on the bridge" strategy. In 2016, the UC team managed to create the first real train of hyperloop trains in levitation. But even though they levitated their hyperloop pod, the team did not win the international Musk competition to produce the fastest machine.

Nevertheless, Cincinnati's dedication to the cause of the hyper loop is so strong that the region's urban planning agency is working with a Midwest consortium. in the hope of making the city a major step in one of the many "loops" proposed for the hyperloop, being developed by various companies. The loop would be the network of magnetic tracks on which versions of the hyperloop could theoretically run across the United States. The consortium is working with a company called Hyperloop Transportation Technologies to develop a route for the train that would connect Chicago to Cincinnati in less than 30 minutes. (That would be half an hour away by plane and four hours away.)

Is there any hint that Musk is thinking of the city's potential as a hyperloop destination integrated into this bucolic ode to Harambe? Or am I simply, in the immortal words of Musk, "sipping hay to the bomb"? Given Musk's history of randomness and extraneous shenanigans, the world may never know it, but it has certainly given us a lot to contemplate. Harambe would agree.


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