New Mayor of Chicago says evidence suggests Jussie Smollett has organized a hoax – and she has questions


Lori Lightfoot, new mayor elected from Chicago, did not have time to invest in his new job. Still, she has already had questions about the Jussie Smollett case.

Lightfoot, who has never held a public position, was elected last week; and many wonder about his experience at the head of one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

The Smollett case is over and there is virtually no punishment for a hate hoax that could have destroyed a city – yet, Lightfoot still has questions about why the charges against Smollett (illustrated in top right) were dropped.

Related: Maxine Waters says it's fair to drop all charges against Smollett

She also contacted Cook County Lawyer, Kim Foxx, to get more information on why the case against the actor had been dropped.

I can understand a plea agreement in which he recognizes his guilt, is sentenced to probation and fined. In my opinion, it is impossible that these charges were dropped.

"The Attorney General's office here, who made the unilateral decision to drop the charges, must give a much more complete explanation," Lightfoot said in an interview with Craig Melvin on MSNBC on Wednesday. "We can not give the impression that if you are rich, famous or both, you have only one justice – and for all the others, it's a lot harder. That will not happen, and we have to make sure we have a criminal justice system that is honest. "

When Melvin asked her at one point whether she thought Smollett was innocent, Lightfoot Hedged said the evidence did not suggest that conclusion.

"I believe everyone is entitled to a presumption of innocence," she said. "But, as you and your listeners have seen, I've seen a very convincing case, with videotapes, witness statements, and other information that gave the impression that he had staged a hoax and, if so, he will have to be held responsible. " (source: The wrap)

It seems to me that everyone except the prosecutor saw the same thing, namely that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute.

Maybe someone should look at the bank account of this guy and see if he has not deposited a large sum of money recently.

Related: 'SNL' took Smollett case – Here's what happened

Mayor Lightfoot could gain enormous respect for ensuring that Smollett is held accountable because it seems everyone can agree Is indeed must be held responsible.

This will be Lightfoot's first major test as mayor.

The way in which it handles this situation will go a long way towards showing the country whether or not it is willing to tackle the corruption and incompetence of Chicago politics. It will be interesting, it is the least that can be said.

I know a lot of people are discussing the plea agreement. And although I'm not a legal expert, my question is: why seal the documents and the file? The sealing of his file is what feels rotten for me (in addition to the plea deal with so much evidence available).

We'll see if Lightfoot changes its melody. Of course, she is right that what happened with Smollett was a mockery of justice – but once in office and the bribes begin to flow, we will see how incorruptible she is.

This piece was originally published in and is used with permission.

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