Mick Jagger recovering from cardiac surgery: report


According to a new report, Mick Jagger underwent a heart valve operation in New York. He is recovering and in excellent health.

The 75-year-old former Rolling Stones icon is currently being monitored by doctors for potential complications, sources said. Billboard.

Jagger will need rest after transcatheter aortic valve replacement, a minimally invasive procedure, and could be operational in a few days, according to the report. He will also need more time to recover before resuming his activity.

RELATED: Lucas, Mick Jagger's son, on Instagram


Lucas Jagger, son of Mick Jagger, on Instagram

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Happy birthday to my father, I love you very much

amfar 2018
With @ncubedproductions

Thanks to @burberry for the outfit. ?

Lil Dre, you fucking destroyed


Amsterdam apparently #peep

Olha quem counteri no aeroporto



The group had previously issued a statement in which it had announced that it was postponing its next US tour "No Filter", which was to begin later this month: "Mick Jagger has been informed by doctors that he's not going to be there. he could not go on tour at the moment because he needed medical treatment … The doctors told Mick that he should recover completely so he could get back on the scene as quickly as possible. "

Jagger had also previously tweeted: "I'm really sorry for all our fans in America and Canada with tickets."

"I really hate to let you down like that, I'm devastated by the postponement of the tour, but I'm going to work very hard to be on stage as soon as I can, once again, my apologies to everyone."

Jagger representatives did not return Billboard's comment request.

RELATED: Food for a heart-healthy diet


How to stick to a healthy diet for the heart

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1. Addition and substitution (no deprivation)

"Yes, you should avoid foods high in unhealthy fats and sugar," says Latimer. "But instead of focusing on what you can not have, focus on what you can appreciate.

2. Increase the fiber in your diet without supplements

Fruits, vegetables and beans are filled with whole grain fiber: oats and berries cut at steel breakfast, brown rice, beans and vegetables for lunch and dinner.

3. Try this perfect breakfast for heart health

A salad with leafy vegetables, tomatoes, salmon and a little olive oil. Kale and spinach are also rich in vitamin K and will help improve the health of your heart. Tomatoes are a fantastic source of antioxidants, while salmon is replete with omega-3 fatty acids. Mix with the avocado (for blood pressure and fiber) for a hearty and healthy meal.

Olive oil is a good fat and it has been shown that it lowers cholesterol

4. Nuts make the perfect snack

Take snacks on nuts, almonds and peanuts, which are filled with omega-3s, fiber and vitamin E to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of clot formation.

5. Keep fruits and vegetables at your fingertips for easy access

A full refrigerator can reduce cravings and your eating habits without thinking. A cup of anti-inflammatory green tea once a day can also work wonders.

6. Moderate consumption of red wine

Some studies show that red wine, dark chocolate and coffee have been associated with better heart health. Cheers!




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