How was the golfer adopted by fans in Atlanta?


Sometimes social media gets on fire because of the momentum. There is no nursery rhyme or reason other than a group of people who decide to make something a memory and make it exist.

This is the case of fans of the Atlanta Braves and the photo of Tiger Woods, who is now part of the strangest new memes in the sport.

At the beginning of the 2019 season, you may have already seen Braves fans turn their Twitter avatars into a Woods photo, some including a cliché of him wearing an Atlanta hat. And after the Braves defeated the Chicago Cubs on Thursday night, check out the Cubs' tweet responses:

It continues from there. What is the problem here?

In a recent podcast of Talking Chop, an author of the Braves blog, Scott Coleman, explained Woods's meme:

"There is a picture of Tiger Woods … he smiles, but he looks like he's crying. It's been years, he looks young. For some reason, a few years ago, I posted it once. it is one of those, it is easier to laugh than to cry. I posted it once and it's become a bit popular and it's been my thing for years now. We were talking after Sunday night's defeat, tweeting that we should start modifying our profile photos. And I think of the brave people of Braves Reddit, who were the first to go from Woods' photo to that ".

This triggered the viral meme that led the Braves to send this tweet, confirming its current trend:

I do not understand it and I really respect it. This is so weird.


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