Police: the suspect injured during his arrest may have lost his sight


A suspect suspected of stealing shoplifting in New Mexico, accused of attempting to steal a vehicle after stabbing shop employees, may have lost his sight because of the injuries that he sustained. he was shot when police fired 15 bales of soya beans and stunned deafening guns 23 times, the authorities said.

The Las Cruces Sun-News reported that police chief Patrick Gallagher had said at a press conference Friday that a multi-agency working group would investigate the incident. March 23 involving Joshua James LeNoir, 31 years old.

The police broadcast a 17 – second video clip showing shots fired at a man who got up, turned away from the police and went away.

Gallagher said the thief repeatedly ignored the officers' orders to drop his knife when meeting with the police in a parking lot at the Mesilla Valley Mall.

"Tasers have been used so often and so often that some of the batteries have run out," Gallagher said.

The police chief stated that the last bag of beans had been fired before LeNoir was under control, hitting him in the face and possibly blinding him. "According to unofficial information, he lost his sight."

Before the police arrived, several employees from two different stores attempted to arrest LeNoir, police said.

A store security officer was punched in the face and torso and two other employees were slightly wounded at the knife, police said.

The thief then tried, unsuccessfully, to steal a family SUV, police said.

A police spokesman, Dan Trujillo, said that LeNoir was in a rehab center after being released from the hospital.

The charges against LeNoir include serious robberies with a lethal weapon, an attempted vehicle theft, battery charge for minor misdemeanors, damage to criminal property, as well as resistance, avoidance, or theft. obstruction of an agent.

The court records do not mention any defense lawyer for LeNoir who could comment on the allegations.


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