Joe Biden refers to controversy over touching women


Former Vice President Joe Biden made two jokes Friday morning about recent criticism of his physical behavior towards women, which caused confusion among two people who had already been complained of him.

Biden began his remarks in front of a unionist ballroom in Washington by shedding light on statements by at least seven women that he was uncomfortable with his close contacts.

After starring with a Bruce Springsteen song – "We take care of ourselves" – and an introduction by the president of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Lonnie Stephenson, Biden looked at the audience and smiled at their interaction.

"I just want you to know," he says. "I was allowed to hug Lonnie."

The crowd of mostly white men inside the Washington Hilton laughed and clapped.

Later, midway through his speech, Biden noticed a quartet of children walking in the middle of the ballroom and invited them to step on the stage. He shook their hand. Then he put his arm around one of the boys.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, left, is greeted by Lonnie Stephenson, International President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, as he was appearing at a conference Friday in Washington. Biden then quipped asking for permission to hug people at her first appearance since the appearance of women's complaints about how he had touched them. (Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg News)

"By the way, he gave me permission to touch him," he joked. It does not seem that Biden and the boy have exchanged words before.

The labor event marked Biden's first public appearance since the seven women became public in various forums about their concerns about Biden's behavior. Biden recorded Wednesday a video saying that he would work on his behavior.

During his almost five decades in public life, Biden has adopted a personal style in which he regularly cuddles, holds hands and leans his forehead against someone else 's. But in the era of # MeToo, these interactions have been cast in a new light.

Lucy Flores, a former lawmaker from the state of Nevada, wrote last Friday that she felt uncomfortable at a meeting with Biden in 2014, in which he was holding her shoulders, felt her hair and kissed her head. At least six other women later shared similar stories, while others wrote about their more positive experiences with Biden.

Friday afternoon, after Biden's joke, Flores responded to Biden on Twitter.

"It's clear that @JoeBiden did not think at all about how her inappropriate and unsolicited touching made women feel uncomfortable," she wrote. "Lying something as serious as consent degrades the conversation that women around the world are courageously trying to have."

Amy Lappos, a Connecticut woman who told a story earlier this week that Biden had rubbed her nose, also found her answer unsettling.

"The joke about Biden's consent is a clear indication that Biden does not understand and does not take the voice of the women who have come forward seriously," she told the Washington Post. "A man who jokes about consent is not on the right side of women's issues. It was also a joke about the consent of a child, which adds a new level of scary and disgusting. "

A few minutes after the end of his working speech, Biden spoke to reporters outside the hotel.

"I did not intend to minimize the discomfort of anyone," he said. "I realize that my responsibility is not to invade the space of those who are uncomfortable with it. And I hope it has not been taken that way.

"I literally think it's my duty, I think to everyone, to make sure that if you kiss someone, if you touch someone, that's fine." is with his consent – whatever your intentions, if you try to bring comfort, if you try to welcome them, and it is my responsibility to do so. "

He added that he would not be surprised if more women came forward. But, asking him if he owed an apology to the women, he avoided a direct response.

"Well, listen, I – the fact is that I have made it clear that if I put someone at ease, I felt bad about that. This was never my intention. Already. Already. Already."

When reporters said that some women said they only wanted to hear their regret and admit their fault, he refused to do so.

"I'm sorry I did not understand better," he said. "I'm sorry for none of my intentions. I am not sorry for everything I have ever done. I have never been disrespectful intentionally towards a man or a woman. You know, it's not the reputation I've had since I was in high school for the sake of God.

Biden is expected to enter the presidential race, with some advisers predicting an announcement by the end of the month. He was captured on a photo Thursday outside his childhood home in Scranton, Pennsylvania, indicating that he could prepare a video to announce his campaign.

Biden almost announced that he would run while talking with reporters.

"The lawyers tell me that I have to pay attention to what I say so that I do not start a stopwatch and change my status," he said. "But it's – I'm about to make the decision to stand before you soon enough."

Asked about the delay, he replied: "What is the problem? Put everything together, man. Put everything together. "

He also said that, strategically, he had always wanted to be the last person to get into the race.

"Give everyone else their day; Then I get a shot, and then we go for the races, "he said.

When asked if the party had gone too far for him, Biden replied, "We will know if I can win a primary."

President Trump savored Biden's struggles. Although more than a dozen women have accused of sexual misconduct, Trump provoked Bunt Thursday by tweeting a tampered video of the former vice president.

"I see you're at work and presidential, as always," Biden replied on Twitter.

Trump has repeatedly denied charges of misconduct dating back several decades. In a 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape, obtained by The Post in October 2016, Trump was captured, stating that he could "grab" women by their genitals. "When you're a star, they let you do it," he said. "You can do anything. "

"I think I'm a very good messenger, and people have had a good shot," Trump told reporters on Friday. "He's going through a situation, let's see what happens, but people have a kick … we have to smile a little, do not we?

The examination of Biden's past behavior in a new light is only one of the challenges he may face if he enters the race for the presidency. Since Biden was elected president in 2008, the Democratic Party has changed dramatically in recent years, with much of the energy being guided by the millennial generation, women and people of color.

Biden has attempted to answer some of his earlier positions – notably his treatment of Anita Hill's testimony at the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas – but many activists believe that He did not go far enough.

Elise Viebeck contributed to this report.


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