A 18-year-old college freshman dies six days after suffering a suspicious hazing incident


"I am deeply saddened to announce that Sebastian Serafin-Bazan, a freshman at UB, has passed away today," said Satish K. Tripathi, president of the University of Buffalo. "Our thoughts are going to Sebastian's family for the devastating grief that she's living."

Serafin-Bazan was hospitalized Friday for "a serious health problem" as a result of a possible hazing incident, Tripathi said in a statement to the university community Friday before announcing the suspension of all fraternity and sorority activities.

Serafin-Bazan was at the residence of the Sigma Pi fraternity when an undisclosed incident that resulted in the student's injury occurred, said the fraternity when she learned of the incident last week.

The fraternity is deeply saddened by the death of Serafin-Bazan and presents "its most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Sebastian in this extremely difficult time".

"We are keeping in touch with the police and the University of Buffalo officials and have offered our support to the ongoing investigation," the fraternity said.

The Buffalo Police Department, the New York State Police and the University Police investigate the incident and seek to determine if drugs and alcohol have played a role.

The university and fraternity are also launching an internal investigation and review.

"The internal (university) exam will continue this spring and summer," CNN vice-president John Della Contrada, Buffalo University, told CNN. at Communications. The results of this review will be made public, he added.

"While the investigation into this very serious matter is continuing, let me repeat that our university has zero tolerance for hazing, and not only are these incidents a violation of our university's policy, but they are also a crime, "Tripathi said Friday.

Della Contrada said that he was unaware of any hazing deaths in the history of the university and that Sigma Pi had not answered several questions CNN, including the number of hazing-related activities that resulted in injury or death, or the number of legal actions taken in relation to hazing incidents.

Sigma Pi told CNN that she "laments hazing" and "lays out a revised alcohol policy banning hard liquor" in their premises.

On its website, the fraternity identifies several chapters of Sigma Pi whose charters have been revoked for "responsibility for recruiting new members".

A new member of the chapter of the University of Fraternity in Ohio passed away after paramedics responded to an emergency call on September 11, in an off – campus residence. last November, said Sigma Pi in a message.

Sigma Pi has more than 120 active chapters and settlements in the United States and Canada, with more than 100,000 alumni and 5,700 undergraduates, the report says.

Carma Hassan contributed to this report.


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