A black man sues American Airlines for removing him from the first class on a passenger's dog


A black man would apparently sue American Airlines for discrimination after withdrawing from his first class class because of his allergy to his colleague's assistance dog.

American Airlines confirmed Tuesday that passenger Dana Holcomb had been removed from a connecting flight between Phoenix and Austin, Texas on April 14, after the crew had "tried at all costs to take action on the plane." Adaptation for Mr. Holcomb ".

Holcomb's lawyer was not in agreement. "Dana was taken away from a plane so that a dog could fly into a first class cabin," said Reginald McKamie Sr. at a press conference Tuesday.

In a statement, American Airlines said: "In the case of an allergy, we are working to relocate a passenger further away from the animal's assistance or support."

"The crew proposed to move the customer with the support animal to another seat in the first class cabin so that Mr. Holcomb could remain at his seat." Mr. Holcomb was not not satisfied with this solution and so was able to choose a seat further from the pet assistance in the main cabin with a refund of the price difference, which he also refused ", said the airline in a statement.

"After all attempts to accommodate Mr. Holcomb and his refusal to obey the instructions of the crew members, he was removed from the aircraft.Our team proposed to reinstate Mr. Holcomb and repaid his first class ticket, "the statement added.

The airline stated that it had not received the lawsuit and also referred to the Ministry of Transport's regulations on emotional support animals, which stated: "Airlines can not refuse to allow your pet on board because other passengers or crew are uncomfortable. "

However, Holcomb said that he was not confrontational and asked him only the reason he had to move to the back of the plane after an allergic reaction, according to KWTX.

"What American Airlines does is discrimination," added McKamie. "They repeatedly humiliated African-American citizens by throwing them out of the plane, leaving them with no way to get home, without a hotel, but simply by throwing them out of the plane."


See also: Passengers forced to leave their flight after a woman bring a squirrel to "emotional support"

See also: A passenger tries to embark on a peacock in search of "emotional support"


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