A college scam handed $ 60,000 to a Texas coach in a parking lot: the federal government


The man who organized the university corruption scandal reportedly met a tennis coach at the University of Texas in a parking lot and gave him $ 60,000 in cash to secure a place at school for one of his students. customers.

The boy's father – who was not named – paid in 2015 a dishonest counselor in university preparation, William "Rick" Singer, for over $ 600,000 to bring his son to the university. school, according to the complainant.

Singer then reached an agreement with the Center to pay the coach a total of $ 100,000 to name the teenager as a college tennis rookie, according to the attorneys.

The boy's own request showed that he had not played tennis since his first year of high school and named him head coach of his school's basketball and football teams, according to court documents.

Center signed the plaintiff against a "scholarship of books" – in which the university pays the books of an athlete – in order to obtain his admission. The teenager was then added to the U-Texas tennis team's list as a recruited athlete, according to court documents.

Singer would then have sent $ 40,000 checks to "Texas Athletics" – before withdrawing $ 60,000 from his account in six separate withdrawals, then stealing from California to Austin to pay Center the rest of the money. in a hotel car park.

When students started classes in September 2015, he immediately left the tennis team and waived the stock market, prosecutors said.

Last year, during a phone call with Singer on wiretapping, the Center reportedly acknowledged the agreement and agreed to consider redoing it for another child.

"I signed it with 'books' … and I got it at school, you know, and then he left the team," Singer would have told Center when asked if he remembered what he had done last time.

"You sent me two or three checks that I sent to the center … And then I – and then – and then you came to Austin once … So I think … I think the total amount was , you know, in the 90s zone, if I remember correctly. "

The center is earning $ 232,000 a year from its contract with the college, according to the San Antonio Express-News.

The Center's lawyer said Tuesday that FBI agents showed up at his client's home at 6 am to bring him home, according to Fox 7 Austin.

The lawyer said the Center would plead not guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and mail fraud related to honest services.

"He is devastated by this accusation. He's a guy who does not even have a jaywalking ticket in his story, he's a good man, a great coach, a great husband, a great father, "said lawyer Dan Cogdell.

The school says that the center has been put on leave.


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