A company is offering $ 1,000 to a candidate to play 50 hours of "Fortnite".


A company is offering $ 1,000 to a candidate to play 50 hours of "Fortnite".

The player must be able to play the 50 hours from June 7th to July 31st.

Are you good to make others take the L? In this case, HighSpeedInternet.com has the job of your summer dreams. The company is looking for a lucky player to play "Fortnite" for 50 hours this summer. In exchange for the construction of 1×1 and completion of 90 years, the company will compensate the person with a pay check of $ 1,000, one year of free broadband internet, and a modem / router and a router. game worth $ 3,000. The player must be able to play the 50 hours of his game between June 7 and July 31. "Our goal is to hire someone to play a video game on their current Internet connection. to play on our improved Internet connection and tell us about their experience, "said a senior manager at HighSpeedInternet.com. All applicants must register by May 31st. The winner will be announced on June 7th.

Are you good to make others take the L? Does your silk dance on the point?

If that is the case, HighSpeedInternet.com has the job of your dreams of summer. The company is looking for a lucky player to play "Fortnite" for 50 hours this summer.

In exchange for spending time building 1x1s and making 90s, the company will compensate the person with a $ 1,000 paycheck, one year of free broadband Internet, a modem / router combo and a router. game worth $ 3,000.

The player must be able to play the 50 hours from June 7th to July 31st.

"Our goal is to hire someone to play a video game with their current Internet connection, then to use our improved Internet connection and tell us about their experience," said a HighSpeedInternet.com official. .

All applicants must register by May 31st. The winner will be announced on June 7th.

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