A complete overview of Smash Bros. Ultimate Moveset and Joker's Final Smash



If you missed the news, Persona 5The Joker makes his way in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Nintendo Switch today. Frankly, we'd be surprised if you missed the news because we chatted about it all day (you can see more content on Joker at the bottom of this article), but now is the time to move on. Things. Moveet of the joker.

The Joker trailer showed us our first look at the character in action, and we watch him very closely to see exactly how his movements work. So, let's start.


Neutral Special (Gun) – For his neutral special, Joker handles a gun. To shoot continuously, you can simply press and hold the "B" button or press it repeatedly. You can also dodge forwards, backwards or even in full flight when shooting.

Up Special (Grappling Hook) – The grappling draws at a slightly diagonal angle and can be used to bring opponents closer or to lock at the edge of a scene. Like many promotions, this one will be useful for the recovery.

Special side (Eiha) – Eiha, special side of the Joker, is triggered by an animation with a finger. The initial shot is not particularly powerful, but it inflicts more damage over time.

Down Special (The Guard of the Rebels) – Now, this one is particularly chic. Joker has a rebelliousness gauge that accumulates over time, especially when he is hit or is late in terms of damage or stock. By using your special down, you can fill the gauge faster and it can also be used as a defense tool.

When the gauge is full, he unmasks and calls a manifestation of his personality, Arsene. Arsene is completely invincible and stays at his side, inflicting additional damage and improving even the other special moves just mentioned. Which brings us to …

Promotions – in case of use with Arsene

So, you just filled your rebellion gauge and summon Arsene. Now what? Well, here's how your special moves will change:

Your Neutral Special becomes & # 39;Special weapon& # 39; essentially the same as before, but with the new ability to shoot three balls per shot.

Up special becomes & # 39;Wings of rebellion& # 39 ;. By using Arsene's wings, you will quickly move upward, making you invincible when flying. Again, this can be used for recovery purposes.

Your Special side becomes & # 39;Eigaon& # 39; a large blast that repeatedly strikes opponents, inflicting more lasting damage.

And finally, your Special stockings will now perform one of two counter-attacks, each triggering automatically. Melee attacks will be countered with "Tetrakarn", while missiles will be deflected with "Makarakarn".

Final Smash

There is one last thing to mention, of course, which is Joker's Final Smash.

Called "All-Out Attack", Joker's Final Smash sees him forcing his way through enemies on the battlefield. Once this is done, he will launch a coordinated strike with Ghost Towns. Interestingly, if you fail to make contact at the beginning, you may have another momentum by tilting your controller in the opposite direction, which will give you a second chance to land.

It should be noted that having Arsene by your side (filling your rebellion gauge) will have no impact on Joker's Final Smash.

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So, there we have it. We hope you find this helpful if you plan to use Joker in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Let us know if you are impatient to get stuck or, if you are reading this in the future, tell us how you are getting along with the character with a comment below.

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