A dating coach looked at a 24-year-old’s Tinder profile and said he needed to remove his tattoo photo and showcase his hobbies more to attract matches.


Tom Maxwell Clinic Dating App

Tom Maxwell and his Tinder profile. Tom maxwell

  • Tom Maxwell, a 24-year-old journalist, had his Tinder profile reviewed by an expert for Insider’s Dating App Clinic.

  • Our expert said he needed to get better full body photos and throw away the tattoo photo.

  • Tom is also expected to reconsider his deal breakers for possible matches.

  • Visit the Insider home page for more stories.

Tom Maxwell, a 24-year-old tech journalist, volunteered to have his Tinder profile reviewed for Insider’s Dating App Clinic, a new series where we ask experts how to revamp your dating profiles to increase your chances of finding one. correspondence.

“I want to convey that I am an unconventional person in many ways, but a hard worker,” Tom said. “I am ready for anything and I am constantly trying new things, such as hobbies and food.”

Using Tinder and Bumble, Maxwell told Insider he wanted to find someone who could match his adventurous energy.

Rori Sasson, a New York-based dating expert and co-owner of dating agency Platinum Poire, told Insider what Tom could do to improve his dating profile to increase his chances of finding a mate.

It’s great to see Tom’s face and smile in the photos

Tom Maxwell Clinical Dating App

Rori Sasson said it was good that we could see Tom’s eyes and smile in his profile. Tom maxwell

Starting with the positives, Tom’s photos perfectly showcase his face and eyes, the expert said.

“Sunglasses hide what a person really looks like, and we can see both their smile and their whole face,” Sasson told Insider. “It evokes a cheerful spirit, no doubt with a certain interwoven impertinence.”

He needs more variety of photos and get rid of tattoo photo ASAP

Tom Maxwell Clinical Dating App

Tom needs a wider range of photos and to get rid of the tattoo image. Tom maxwell

However, Sasson said Tom needs to add variety to his profile by including photos of his entire body and photos that showcase his hobbies.

She also said that Tom should get rid of the tattoo photo and write his love for tattoos in his bio instead.

“The profile photos he chose are doing him a disservice – especially the tattooed image,” Sasson said. “It hurts the rest of his profile. His first photo should be the best, and he needs to insert a full body photo where he is beaming with his best smile and best posture.”

Tom’s biography should cut down on unnecessary puns and focus on his interests and career

Tom Maxwell Clinical Dating App

Tom’s bio is solid, but he should pull off Jeffrey Epstein’s pun. Tom maxwell

Regarding his biography, Sasson said Tom does a good job describing his career and interests saying things like “looking for new friends who want to hike, have a drink and have some other fun. funny things “.

Jeffrey Epstein’s pun that he includes, however, does him no favors according to Sasson.

“A lot of people overuse certain quotes or references to pop culture. Side note: Seinfeld and Friends are classics in their own right, but they don’t differentiate you from an ocean of vanilla profiles, “Sasson said.” Jeffrey Epstein should be deleted from the profile in the same way. “

In addition to removing the pun, Sasson said Tom should use more specific adjectives to describe his sense of humor and what he wants in a partner.

“Tinder is a dating app at heart, and it should say what it looks for in a match – whether casual, long-term, or somewhere in between,” Sasson said. “What does he like about a partner?” “

Tom should re-evaluate some of his tradeoffs like “plus size” and “extravagant lifestyle”

When it comes to deal breakers, Tom said he’s not interested in people “advertising their drug use”, “tall” people and people who lead a “style. extravagant life ”.

Sasson said Tom should reconsider his alienating and possibly offensive descriptions of people.

“Living an upscale lifestyle doesn’t make a person good or bad. He alienates himself from a group of individuals before matching – let alone meeting a person, “Sasson said.” ‘Tall’ is vague and potentially offensive. Is Tom referring to a large breast size? All kidding aside, he really should spell out what he wants. “

Overall, Tom should reconsider his compromises, use different photos and remove puns from his bio, she said.

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