A federal program says you should keep your home above 78 degrees


The guidelines come from Energy Star, a government-backed energy efficiency program. They sparked a heated debate on social media.

Energy Star says homeowners can save about $ 180 a year with a properly tuned thermostat.

"Set your thermostat as high as possible comfortably in the summer," explains the energy department on its website. "The smaller the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your air conditioning bill will be."

However, while some studies have shown that higher daytime temperatures help improve productivity in some groups, higher thermostat settings overnight may prevent sleep well.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, a room of about 65 degrees guarantees the best possible sleep.

Your body temperature goes up and down slightly during the day and you get drowsy as your body temperature goes down. If it's too hot, it can interfere with the natural cycles of your body temperature and leave you a restless night's sleep.

Research conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information supports this.

A 2012 study indicates that exposure to heat increases the waking state and decreases slow-wave sleep as well as rapid eye-movement sleep. Exposure to cold, however, does not affect the stages of sleep. Although the use of bedding and clothing is essential to get a peaceful night's sleep in cold environments.

Outside the home and office, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration recommends temperatures between 68 and 76 degrees and humidity control between 20% and 60%.

"The temperature and humidity conditions in offices are usually a matter of human comfort, not a risk of death or serious bodily injury," the standard says.


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