A Florida man arrested for the "I eat a-" sticker made sure the charges were dropped


A Florida man arrested for refusing to remove a label from his car on which it was written, "I'm eating a -" at all charges against him Thursday, officials said.

The prosecutor informed 23-year-old Dillon Shane Webb that the prosecution evidence did not warrant prosecution and that Webb had a valid defense under the First Amendment.

"[The deputy] has overstepped its limits by asking me to remove the sticker, "Webb told The Post on Thursday. "I want people to see that the police are not above the law."

The man admitted that freedom of expression was limited, but that his case did not meet the criteria for being considered a crime.

"Saying" bomb "in an airplane is just being stupid," added Webb. "Mine is just funny."

Webb was driving a brown Chevrolet truck Sunday when a member noticed the presence of a suggestive vignette on the rear window.

The MP told Webb that the sticker violated an obscenity law, but Mr. Webb said it was "just words".

The MP then asked Webb how "a parent of a small child" would explain the meaning of these words. Webb said it would be "at the discretion of the parent".

Webb had been accused of obscene writing on vehicles and of having resisted an officer without violence.

His law firm said Thursday that they "will go from defense to the offensive".


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