A frightening distress call after the deadly fire of a boat on the island of Santa Cruz revealed


The boat captain Monday sentenced to Santa Cruz describes in a frightening call of distress how all his passengers are trapped under the bridge – "without emergency hatch".

The audio recording at 4:14 pm includes a coast guard operator who frantically asks for information about the emergency off the south coast of California.

"What is the urgency? More than. … Design, what is the urgency? Finished! ", Says the operator referring to the diving excursion boat.

A man who later identifies himself as the captain replies, "On board a ship on fire."

"Your boat is on fire? Roger Are you aboard the Conception? Asks the Coast Guard worker.

The captain confirms that he is from the craft and declares: "33 people aboard the ship are on fire. They can not go down. "

The Coast Guard worker responds, "Roger. Are they locked in the boat? Roger Can you come back on board and unlock the doors so that they can get off? Roger Do not have any fire equipment, no fire extinguisher or anything?

The captain's answer is not clear.

The Coast Guard operator says, "He's the captain of Conception?

"Roger," says the man.

A Coast Guard employee asks, "Was it all the crew that jumped?"

The unidentified captain answers, "Roger".

The operator asks: "Is the ship completely engulfed now?"

The captain replies: "Roger. And there is no escape door for passengers. "

A Coast Guard employee asks, "How far are you from the boat right now?"

The captain's answer is not clear in the middle of the static.

"Are there any other vessels in this area that can help with firefighting?" Asks the operator.

Only static sounds can be heard on the recording.

We then hear the coastguard issue a general distress call, claiming that he "was informed that a ship was on fire with 33 people, a correction, 34 people, trapped under the bridge … Any vessel in the area that can help, please. do it. "

A man answers through the emergency radio channel: "I heard a call from Mayday … I'm 15 minutes from this place. Will I be useful in this time frame?

The operator replies, "If you could answer, we would appreciate it. Also, if you have a firefighting equipment, a pipe, something like that, it would be great.

Another nearby boat, the Grape Escape, which rescued crew members, including the captain, is participating in another exchange with an emergency operator.

"Is the ship's captain on board your ship?" Asks a Coast Guard employee to the captain of the Grape Escape, who responds in the affirmative.

Heavy.com first reported on the audio.

There was also an online audio file that included a man who shouted "Mayday! Help! Mayday! "And" I can not breathe! "

The five crew members, including the captain, were on the bridge at the time of the fire at dawn and were escaped, authorities said.

Thirty of the 34 passengers on board still have to be taken into account. Rescuers found four bodies near the ship Monday afternoon.


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