A Guide to the New COVID-19 Testing Rules for Travel to the United States


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has ordered all travelers traveling to the United States from overseas to show proof of negative Covid-19 tests before boarding their flight from January 26. continue to skyrocket and new, more contagious strains of the virus are emerging around the world.

Here’s what you need to know about the new protocols before you go on a trip.

Who does it affect?

The order applies to all persons traveling to the United States on international flights, including United States citizens. You will need to show negative test results even if you are traveling on a private jet or charter flight. There are exceptions for children under 2, airline crews, federal law enforcement officers, and members of the military traveling on duty.

Which countries are covered?

All. Passengers must show proof of a negative test when traveling to the United States from any country, including Mexico and the Caribbean. Airlines may request temporary waivers for certain countries with insufficient testing supplies, but carriers have yet to indicate which countries might fall into this category.

The universal testing requirement goes into effect on January 26. People arriving from the UK have already been subjected to similar testing requirements which came into effect in December following the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus there.

What type of test will I need and when? What happens if I don’t have my results? Air travelers to the United States must be tested no later than three days before flight and provide written or electronic proof of the results. Airlines can accept both PCR and rapid antigen testing. If you don’t have the documentation with you, the airlines will not allow you to board, as ordered by the CDC.

Airlines are still working on the exact protocols they will use to verify test results. Customers coming from the UK on United Airlines post test results in the lobby before security, but details may not be the same for other countries, a spokeswoman for United Airlines Holdings Inc. said.

What if I have been vaccinated?

Even if you have been vaccinated against Covid-19, you will still need to show proof of a negative test.

What if I recently had Covid-19 and got better?

If you’ve tested positive for Covid-19 in the past three months but you no longer have symptoms, the CDC does not recommend getting tested again. If you are in this group and have met the criteria to end isolation, the CDC says you can travel as long as you have written permission from a health care provider or manager. of public health. Bring your positive test result and doctor’s letter to show the airline instead of a negative test result.

Does that mean the United States has lifted bans on most travel from Europe, the UK and other countries?

Not at this stage. Airlines have been pushing the government to drop these bans, especially now that testing requirements are in place. However, the government has not taken any action on this, so people who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents cannot come to the United States from most of Europe, the United Kingdom, the Brazil, China and Iran. Likewise, many countries do not allow travelers to enter from the United States or continue to impose lengthy quarantine requirements on arrival.

What if I need to change my travel plans now?

Airlines have already removed most international change fees and are adding more flexibility for people who must adjust their plans and travel to the United States before the new testing requirements take effect.

American Airlines Group Inc. and Delta Air Lines Inc., for example, will allow people to re-book international tickets to the United States that had been scheduled until February 9, provided the new trip begins on January 25. or before. This means you can change your booking to fly before the test is required without paying higher last minute fares.

Should I be retested or quarantined when I return to the United States?

The CDC recommends that people take a second test three to five days after travel and stay home for seven days (or 10 days without a second test). The tests per se do not replace social distancing and wearing face masks, CDC officials said.


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