A leak in the game of Black Ops 4 reveals that Captain Price of Modern Warfare will be on Blackout


A new leak suggests that the Call of Duty franchise will introduce the classic Captain Price into Black Ops 4: Blackout, giving Modern Warfare a touch of critically acclaimed battle mode.

Blackout players already have an army of characters at their disposal before starting a match in the Royal Battle, but it does not appear that Treyarch has finished adding to the list, even with a new CoD title to the game. 'horizon.

This should not surprise fans, however, that the release of a new title on Modern Warfare will have a ripple effect for Treyarch's last round in the series.

via GHarbridge27

The leaked rumor of sight of the CoD page.

Captain Price could come to Blackout

In a tweet of July 9, user Alex 'ImDiabetus' Hill showed what appears to be a quick look at the Xbox for an upcoming offer that will give players a "Classic Captain Price" skin for the pre-order of Modern Warfare.

As Infinity Ward takes care of the next title of the series, it seems that Activision will intensify the fashionable train with a little help from the popular Treyarch mode.

It seems that the pre-order will also allow players to have access to many Prestige tokens and one of the most iconic characters in the history of Call of Duty.

At the time of writing this article, there has been no official announcement regarding the announced pre-order bonus, as the chart simply trains players on the Xbox Store's prestige chip page.

Speculation has also emerged if the "Classic Captain Price" skin name means fans will get an update from Captain Price in a later release.

What's going on with Modern Warfare?

The supposed Captain Price bonus from Modern Warfare is not the only reason to be optimized for the upcoming title. Infinity Ward has already explained in detail how his game would change mechanics with weapons and more, giving fans more passion.

District of infinity

The CoD franchise will take a new turn when the release of Modern Warfare.

Many leaks have also allowed players to become familiar with the multitude of benefits they will be able to choose from when they release the full game.

While Call of Duty's call-for-action title is very emotional, if the leak materializes, nostalgic players will be able to pretend to be Captain Price before the October 25 release of Modern Warfare.


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