A look back at Survivor’s most controversial twists and turns


First introduced in Season 38, ousted players were given the opportunity to return to the game… if they could survive by living on the Desolate Edge.

“The idea for Edge of Extinction came in a bit of a rush,” Probst admitted to THAT ONE in 2019. “He showed up incredibly quickly and arrived pretty much fully formed. All of the elements – the desolation of Extinction, his secretive nature, the two knocks to come back and the possibility of everyone being on the jury. – just part of the package that the creative winds have sent us. We tend to think of these kinds of ideas as gifts rather than risks. “

The twist proved controversial, but ultimately crucial, with Chris Underwood returning from the Edge to win the game.

“Extinction was very exciting for all departments of our team as it challenged us in so many new ways,” explained Probst. “It was an entirely new world to discover creatively, aesthetically and cinematically. But it’s also a completely separate game that takes place with another tribe living on a different beach, and involves each and every one of them. department of our team of over 400 people. We all went for that! “

While many fans weren’t thrilled to hear that Edge of Extinction would be back for Season 40, Probst revealed that it is an essential tool in recruiting 20 former winners.

“I felt like when we called the winners, if they thought it was one and off – ‘I’m knocked out and finished,’ their chances of saying yes weren’t as high. that if that would be the case if I said “No matter what, you will have another chance to win the prize,” he said. THAT ONE Last year.


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