A man accused of throwing a boy from the balcony of the Mall of America mall held on bail of $ 2 million


A man accused of throw a 5 year old boy from a balcony on the third floor Mall of America spoke little during his first court appearance. Emmanuel Aranda is charged with attempted first degree murder with premeditation in Friday 's attack. The Aranda bond has been maintained at $ 2 million and a hearing is scheduled for May 14.

Police said that Aranda had told them that he had gone to the mall "looking for someone to kill" and had chosen the boy at random.

Aranda appeared behind a glass partition Tuesday in an audience hall of Hennepin County Jail. Asked by the judge when he had questions, he replied: "Not at all."

According to a criminal complaint, Aranda told investigators after his arrest that he was upset to have been rejected by women with whom he had tried to speak at the mall, "and that this refusal was not enough. has led to get caught and become aggressive ".

The video surveillance of the mall shows Aranda walking through the mall on the third floor, looking several times on the balcony, before approaching the victim and his mother, reports CBS Minnesota. The boy's mother told the authorities that Aranda had approached them and, without warning, had hugged him and threw him over the balcony .

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CBS Minnesota

The child has plunged nearly 20 meters, suffering from head trauma and broken arms and legs, reports the station. Stephen Tillitt, a lawyer for the victim's family, said the child was still in critical condition in a Minneapolis hospital.

Aranda has already been convicted of assaulting the mall twice in 2015, including one in which he dumped a glass of water and a glass of tea on a woman who refused to buy him anything. Aranda at one point was banned from the mall.

Aranda was also charged in August 2015 with destroying computers in a library in North Minneapolis, the station reported. According to the criminal complaint, Aranda told police that he "had anger issues" and that "it does not happen all the time".

Aranda was born in Chicago, where documents from the Cook County Court revealed an arrest in 2014 for assaulting a woman who worked at a Golden Nugget restaurant.

A GoFundMe page created for the child, named Landen, had attracted more than $ 700,000 in donations as of Tuesday. The page indicates that the boy has "a very long way to go to recover".

"The family does not know [Aranda] and do not understand why this monster would target their family with this heinous act of violence, "says the page.


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