A man apparently beaten outside the cinema for shouting at the Avengers: Spoilers Endgame


It has been a long wait and Avengers: End of the game is finally here. Fans are packing the theaters to see this movie, but not everyone will be able to see the blockbuster opening weekend. As such, fans take precautions to avoid errors at all costs, and even filmmakers have taken steps to make the plot as secret as possible. However, a man in Hong Kong apparently did not receive the memo and was reportedly beaten for shouting End of Game spoilers.

Part of what made End of Game Marvel Studios has taken extra precautions to keep the movie as secret as possible. The trailers revealed little information and Russo Bros. Their mission is to make sure that people have an authentic and surprising theater experience.

Unfortunately, in the era of the Internet, it is just not really possible. End of Game leaked online before the first and a few hours later, the Russo issued a statement asking people to keep all the spoilers for themselves. After all, looking for spoilers is one thing, but it is wrong to impose them on people who do not.

A man decided to take the direct approach with spoilers. According to Deadline, a man shouted End of Game spoilers to a crowd waiting in line to see the movie. The Taiwanese media did not identify the man, but said that he had been bleeding after the crowd attacked him for the spoilers.

A photo of the bleeding head man and sitting in the street is circulating on the Internet.

It is increasingly difficult to avoid disrupters in the Internet era. A person could see a spoiler simply by browsing YouTube and seeing a revealing vignette. However, it seems that there are consequences for those who choose to spoil themselves without the anonymity of the Internet.

Sometimes you can not avoid spoilers. My friend had the end of End of Game spoiled for him one day before he saw the movie. Someone he did not know sent him a direct message on Reddit explaining to him the end of the movie. We determined that the guy ended up lying, but it was partially partially correct by accident.

Say people are excited to see End of Game is an understatement. In China alone – where the violence was reported to have taken place – the film is expected to generate $ 330 million by the end of the weekend. It's already almost as much as the first three movies in China.


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